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Henry M.
Henry M.

Reviewed on: Oct 5, 2024


Świetna wizyta w Taj Mahal

Mieliśmy niesamowitą wizytę o wschodzie słońca w Tadż Mahal z Mohammedem. Zdecydowanie polecamy tę wycieczkę oraz jego jako przewod... Show full review ➤ Mieliśmy niesamowitą wizytę o wschodzie słońca w Tadż Mahal z Mohammedem. Zdecydowanie polecamy tę wycieczkę oraz jego jako przewodnika. Był bardzo kompetentny i dobrze poinformowany. Zrobił nam również świetne zdjęcia!  Hide review

Experience a hassle-free Private Airport Transfer to/from Marrakech City Hotels. A friendly driver will greet you at RAK Airport or the train station, ensuring a smooth journey in a clean, air-conditioned vehicle. Making your travel comfortable and worry-free, so you can relax and enjoy.

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Alec L.
Alec L.

Reviewed on: Oct 4, 2024


Great experience in Giza

We had a wonderful time with our tour guide, Abla, on our tour of Giza. She was very knowledgable and a really great... Show full review ➤ We had a wonderful time with our tour guide, Abla, on our tour of Giza. She was very knowledgable and a really great photographer. She made us feel at home in Egypt and showed us great local spots. We can definitely recommend her.  Hide review

Ukraine and Democracy in DANGER! Don't be passive! Russian agressors killing innocent people of Ukraine, attacking democratic and peaceful country that never attacked nobody. What we can do together? Read more ➤

Sunny Beer garden tour.Enjoy Prague’s laid-back summer vibe as you explore hidden beer gardens, soaking in stunning views and a relaxed atmosphere. With a cold drink in hand and good company, experience the city like a local, discovering spots that make Prague feel like home.

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